Call (505) 750-1595 Text (505) 391-2962
If you want to sell your home before listing with a Realtor. Contact us and save on average 6%. We pay cash and can close fast.
Distressed and Fixer Upper Property is what we want! Remember we are a remodeler and build in equity.
If you are facing a Foreclosure contact us right away. We can help each other. We need the work and you probably need the cash and relief. If a foreclosure is for sure coming you do need to act fast or we cannot help you.
If you are a Real Estate Investor like us, you need to join our list of other investors. At times we have more than we can handle and offer "Wholesale" pre-mls opportunities.
If your home is about to be auctioned. You have one last option to make some money. Sell us your redemption rights.
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Follow this link to a short submission form to get things rolling.
As you would expect we need some specific information before we can make an offer.
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